Hi! I’m not accepting new clients at this time, but let me know if you’d like to be on a wait list. Or, even better, check out my associates page! If you appreciate my philosophy, I believe you will find a good match there. We are a collaborative group, all fundamentally aligned, though our styles vary slightly. Their rates are $125/hr, and they are paneled with both Aetna and Cigna.
Something is happening in the world right now. People are activated. They are re-assessing. They are making very courageous decisions that do not fit the narrative to which they’ve subscribed for so many years. They are seeking out their wildness, yearning for desire, playfulness, meaning. They are connecting with elements of their identities that have been denied. They are choosing themselves above the comfort of others. This is deeply exciting to me.
The therapy room can be a place to notice, practice, and fortify this work. In session, I take the position of curious, enthusiastic advocate; the client is the expert on their struggle. I pose challenging questions and wonder aloud about certain parallels I notice or about how it might feel to newly acknowledge certain aspects of self. We discuss institutions (ie: racism, patriarchy, capitalism) that oppress and how those messages may have been internalized. We analyze family dynamics and the coping skills that allowed the client to keep them safe through the years. We disrupt and edit belief systems that are causing tension, establishing a new relationship with cognition in general.
The goal: the more questions are explored, the more we hear the client’s clarity, paying attention to the consistency in their fundamental ideas and practicing the art of taking up space unapologetically. I have watched as folx go from operating from a stressful framework of learned perfectionism and people-pleasing, for example, to fully embracing complex, dynamic self—finding freedom, connection, and a sense of groundedness. And that’s often all it takes, loving and committed inquiry to uncover the wisdom that’s already there. Regardless of the presenting challenge or which model of therapy we’re using, I employ this philosophy of respect, activism, and empowerment.
I have long-term relationships with most of my clients. Whether it’s weekly appointments or periodic check-ins, we stay connected in this ongoing conversation. It’s joyful work. They are my heroes, and I feel deeply grateful to them all.
If you’re ready to begin this process—or are well on your way and are simply looking for support, please contact me to schedule a FREE 30 minute in-person consultation.
I invite you to look around this site. If you have a question that is not answered here, don’t hesitate to email me directly at halliegtherapy@gmail.com.
I’d love to hear from you.
-H.G. (she/her)
Image by Megan Galante