“Hold the Principal” Workshop
When: FEBRUARY 4, 2023, 2-6pm
Cost: $100 (no one turned away for lack of funds)
Location: THE NEST HOLLYWOOD (90068)
Check out the view at The Nest Hollywood! A beautiful studio in the hills with indoor/outdoor space. IG @thenesthollywood
There is a Buddhist slogan that says “Of the two witnesses, hold the principal one.” What does this mean? One of the witnesses is everyone else. The principal one is you. I love this concept so much I got it tattooed on my hand. My favorite part is the word “hold.” I find it peaceful and respectful, in an empowered way.
This workshop is partly inspired by this idea. I’ve noticed a movement in my work and personal life recently. People are bored and stressed by the way that they habitually present their identity. They’re observing that they highlight a singular, practiced aspect of themselves (perfect, easy, strong, funny, sexy, successful, etc) to the detriment of the rest of them. (We’ll talk about why that happens). And they are curious about what it would be like to pull back that main part, bring forward some less practiced qualities, and live life from that messier, complex, honest space. When put into action, people often report excitement, surprise, good discomfort, energy, and overall contentment.
For these 4 hours we will do this work. Through some rigorous movement, silent meditation, compassionate inquiry, kundalini breathing, therapeutic techniques, and writing, we will mine for that expansion and authenticity. Hold space for that big, beautiful “principal one.”
Also worth mentioning, this workshop is open to ALL. Everyone will be treated with respect. There won’t be a lot of interaction, so that everyone can focus inwards. However, when we do speak to one another, it will be in the form of gentle questioning, wondering. No experts or advice allowed, when it comes to others. It will be a safe place.
Please do not hesitate to reach out with questions or comments. Text/call: 781-454-8409 or email halliegtherapy@gmail.com.
Registration is open as of 1/1/23!
-HG (she/her)